Welcome to the Evan Lindberg and Erik Ludwinski Childhood Cancer Survivor Scholarship Application

PLEASE NOTE: After you hit the “Submit” button below, you WILL NOT have the opportunity to save your application and complete it later. Please email the following required documents to info@theevanfoundation.org. EACH DOCUMENT ATTACHMENT MUST CONTAIN YOUR NAME. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.

You must be a freshman entering an accredited college or university in the Fall of 2025.


  • High school transcript and FAFSA Student Aid Report (Page 1) including SAI

  • ACT or SAT results if required by your college for acceptance

  • Documentation of acceptance to a 4-year accredited college or university

  • Confirmation of high-risk cancer diagnosis from your healthcare provider

  • Two letters of recommendations from non-family members addressed to or including “The EVAN Foundation” or the name of the scholarship

  • 250-word essay describing what you want the scholarship committee to know about you, your plans for college and beyond

  • List of other scholarships you have received

  • If you prefer, a statement detailing any additional information that you would like to offer for consideration (150 words or less)

  • If you prefer, a list of childhood cancer related advocacy and/or volunteer activities in which you were involved (not required if not applicable)

  • ALL documents must be submitted in pdf format or as a Word document

  • Please ATTACH your required documents to your email. Please do not use the text portion of your email to write your essay, provide your SAT/ACT results, embed screenshots, etc.

*Email questions to info@theevanfoundation.org*

Don’t forget to hit the SUBMIT button at the bottom of this page upon completion of your form.

Thank you for your interest and good luck!